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Lower upfront costs


Built around your needs


Benefit from enhancements

Subscription choice

Offerings positioned to suit your workflows. Upgrades available to expand as you need.

Value adds

Each subscription edition includes Trimble Connect Business and Trimble Clarity Starter licenses for online collaboration, viewing, and interaction with your data.

Latest releases

Your license is always current so you can utilize the latest enhancements and updates. Includes Trimble Maps WMS service.

Online license management

Account administrators can assign and remove users.

Trimble ID access

Each user has their own unique Trimble Identity account, and each account has its own Trimble TBC seat.

Cloud hosting

Use your license online or offline without needing to connect to a license server or plugin in a dongle.

Choose your subscription plan



For surveyors who complete field data adjustments and quality control checks with basic survey CAD and model prep tools.

  • Survey adjustments

  • CAD

  • Surfaces + alignments


Site + field

For surveyors who need a field-to-finish survey CAD software for traditional GNSS, total station and digital level-based deliverables.

  • Survey adjustments

  • CAD + drafting

  • Surfaces, alignments, + corridors


Surveying + mapping

For surveyors who embrace the latest technology and strive for a competitive edge. Create compelling deliverables from all traditional sensors as well as 3D point clouds and GIS data.

  • Survey adjustments 

  • CAD + drafting

  • Surfaces, alignments, + corridors

  • Point clouds + scanning

  • GIS + monitoring connections

Specialty editions

Aerial survey

For surveyors and remote pilots who create image and point cloud deliverables from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

  • Survey adjustments 

  • CAD + drafting 

  • Surfaces, alignments + corridors 

  • UAV data processing 

  • Point clouds + scanning


For civil construction and earthworks professionals who generate machine control models, accurate quantity takeoff reports, digitized PDFs and roadway cross-sections.

  • CAD + drafting 

  • Surfaces, alignments, + corridors 

  • Data prep + machine control 

  • Quantity takeoffs + mass haul analysis 

  • Parametric roadway + utility modeling 

  • Utility modeling, drilling, + piling plans

Mobile mapping

For surveyors and mapping specialists who process data and generate deliverables from Trimble mobile mapping solutions to integrate with traditional survey sensors.

  • Survey adjustments 

  • CAD + drafting 

  • Surfaces, alignments + corridors 

  • Point clouds + scanning 

  • GIS + monitoring connections 

  • Trimble MX9 processing


For survey, engineering and construction professionals who need flexibility and scale for any project. The complete package to start and stay in Trimble Business Center.

  • Survey adjustments 

  • CAD + drafting 

  • Surfaces, alignments + corridors 

  • Point clouds + scanning 

  • GIS + monitoring connections 

  • Tunneling as-built, inspection + setout workflows 

  • UAV data processing 

  • Utility modeling, drilling, + piling plans


Robust office software for mine surveying and planning workflows. By calculating volumes and tracking progress and optimizing operations, TBC Mining software equips professionals with streamlined tools for
confident decision-making.

  • Mine design and slope conformance reporting

  • Survey adjustments 

  • CAD + drafting 

  • Surfaces, alignments + corridors 

  • Point clouds + scanning 

  • GIS + monitoring connections 

  • Tunneling as-built, inspection + setout workflows 

  • UAV data processing 

  • Utility modeling, drilling, + piling plans

Perpetual license options

In addition to subscription plans, perpetual licensing options are also available for Trimble Business Center. Please contact your local Distributor.

Frequently asked questions

Can the Trimble Business Center (TBC) perpetual and subscription licenses be combined?
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No, the license options are independent and features or licenses from one does not impact the other.

Is it possible to mix and match different TBC subscription plans?
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Yes, you can have a different number of plans within an organization and tailor the number of seats to the capabilities of the staff. For example, you can purchase ten seats of TBC Survey + Mapping and two seats of Aerial Survey which can then be assigned to the person(s) with the necessary skill set.

What is the term length of the TBC subscription?
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Subscriptions are for one year term periods. At the end of the year, subscription plans can be renewed with your local Trimble Geospatial Distribution Partner.

Is there a migration path for current perpetual customers?
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If you are interested in migrating to the TBC subscription option from a current perpetual license, contact your local Trimble Geospatial Distribution Partner to identify the best configuration of plan(s) and seat(s) for your needs.

Why do TBC subscriptions require a single, named user per seat?
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A named user is a specific account, and therefore a person, who is granted access to an application or service. At Trimble, we utilize a unique Trimble Identity (TID) to identify named users. The TID cannot be shared with another user. The subscription license is assigned to the Trimble ID, not a hardware serial number or software KeyID, as is the case with the perpetual license options. In summary, one person = one TID = one subscription seat.

What are the benefits of using the single, named user TID approach?
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Named users simplifies the software management process by:

  • Enabling software license assignment to individual skill sets (eg. efficiency with roading or 3D scanning)
  • Improving field-to-office synchronization via SyncManager by sending data to a person, not a device
  • Protecting login authentication and cyber security needs

Want to learn more?

Contact Trimble Geospatial today.

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