Customer Stories

3D Augmented Reality Helps Refine the Design

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and that the model matched site references quite well. The high precision and orientation also enable a cut/fill feature for evaluating project earthworks progress in real-time. AR AS A PROBLEM SOLVER ViaNova first deployed SiteVision to resolve issues on the new Falkenborg Bridge project, which crosses over a rail trunk line at Leangen Station (near Trondheim City). "With SiteVision we could see quite clearly that the bridge as designed was too big for the site," said Haugbotn. "And the access approaches were not where the pedestrian traffic would be concentrated. We changed the design from these field evaluations." Haugbotn used two SiteVision units at the Falkenborg Bridge site; multiple units allowed more team members to simultaneously view the same model from different ViaNova road designer Johan Ivarsson (front) and bridge designer Bjørnar Hofstad (rear) use Trimble SiteVision to take a low-angle view at the Falkenborg Bridge site. ViaNova road designer Hege Bjerka Pedersen uses SiteVision to view the design model projected over the landscape. vantage points. The issues with the bridge footprint and how it encroached on other site features were readily recognized by the design team members using the handheld AR devices. And a simulated walkthrough— while carrying the SiteVision units—of the proposed pedestrian traffic routes to the bridge access ramps revealed pinch points and a mismatch with expected flows. These observations directly informed subsequent design changes. The new system had proven its value.

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