Customer Stories

A Faster Path to Rebuilding After Hurricane Maria

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The Trimble SX10 collects data to produce a point cloud of storm-affected storage tanks. An entire tank can be scanned in less than one day. A completed tank point cloud is displayed in Trimble Business Center software. The software combines data from GNSS, total stations and 3D scanning to produce integrated, georeferenced information. we combine the GNSS positions with the total station and scanner measurements," Fournier said. "Because the SX10 data was already georeferenced, we did not need to register or combine the scans. That step was already done, which saved a significant amount of time and effort." SPECIALIZED TOOLS FOR DATA ANALYSIS Fournier used Trimble RealWorks software to examine the tanks. The RealWorks Tank module can model a tank and develop heat maps and other analyses that reveal issues in roundness and verticality of the tank shell. Mforce technicians used RealWorks to produce deliverables based on American Petroleum Institute (API) Standard 653 specifications for tank inspection. Information from the Trimble system was also shared with Autodesk Revit software for additional modeling and engineering analysis.

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