Customer Stories

A Race for Precision

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Collector for ArcGIS (EAP version) enables improved and informed decision-making by putting mapping and data collection capabilities in the hands of the field worker. "We were wondering if Catalyst would be easier to use and we wanted to test accuracy under such poor conditions compared to other GPS products," she added. The Mudmoiselle run provided a good opportunity to find out." Before heading to the site, Galloway set up a simple online map in ArcGIS Online that could be opened in Collector on both the tablet and cellphone that would track the route and obstacle locations. The Online map consisted of the property boundary, current aerial photo and waypoints. SOLUTION "We could compare Catalyst's performance with our existing Trimble Pro 6H receiver and ArcPad ® using corrections from Cansel Can-Net real-time network. The Trimble Pro 6H is bigger and we didn't need the sub-meter accuracy it provided." Catalyst can obtain positions in real time with accuracy ranging from meter level to two centimeters. "When you get to the decimeter level, you need clear skies," Galloway said. "We were wondering if Catalyst would be easier to use and accurate under such poor conditions." This would be a good way to find out. The first day of Catalyst performance testing, Galloway and Dillon's GIS technical lead Jon Fairs hiked the site for four hours. The Catalyst antenna, along with the Pro 6H, were mounted on a Trimble backpack. The Catalyst was connected to Fairs' Android phone running Collector. The Pro 6H was connected to a Windows ® tablet using ArcPad. Fairs and Galloway would later compare their collected data.

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