Customer Stories

Captured Once, Used Often

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The city uses Trimble POSpac Mobile Mapping Suite and Trimble Business Center (TBC) Survey CAD software for the workflow. The POSpac Mobile Mapping software is used for georeferencing the imagery, whereas TBC helps deliver high-accuracy GNSS data. After processing, the data is copied to a server and recognizable faces are automatically blurred. The imagery is published and shared with external users through a web application. Having its own mobile mapping system meant that the city of Amsterdam could capture street view imagery anytime, anyplace and share it with any stakeholder inside the organization. This was important because many departments rely on the imagery for their daily work. The city hired three drivers to capture the imagery as part of a corporate social responsibility initiative subsidized by the city of Amsterdam. This created jobs and reduced expenses since operating the system doesn't require technical skills. By outsourcing the collection work, Amsterdam provided employment to the unemployed.

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