Customer Stories

From the Crown Down

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For the data analysis and classification they acquired two 30-cm WorldView-3 satellite images, orthorectified them with a 5-m lidar DEM and then mosaicked them. The lidar data was also used to create a canopy height model (CHM) which they overlaid on the mosaic. Based on existing aerial imagery, researchers first identified relevant trees for field data collection. Using Trimble Pro 6H GPS receivers, teams navigated to the pre-selected trees in each AOI to capture their position, height, diameter and species type. In total, they surveyed 515 trees, which they further processed into 338 reference samples for both training Trimble eCognition and validating the results. Individual tree crown segmentation based on lidar (canopy height model) and WorldView-3 imagery. The background image displays WorldView-3 in true colors. Mathieu Varin, CERFO's remote sensing lab manager, stands next to a Yellow Birch with his Trimble Pro6H GPS receiver.

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