Customer Stories

Harvesting A Major Vegetation Map

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In total, eCognition delineated 27 classes. Exporting the classifications as shapefiles, the 1:25,000 map of the PNRA was finalized in ArcGIS. Based on that mapping success, CBN received regional buy- in to scale the mapping system for the whole of Brittany. BRITTANY, BY NATURE Similar to the PNRA project, the landscapes of each of Brittany's four departments — Finistère, Ille-et-Vilaine, Côtes-d'Armor and Morbihan — would be categorized into 27 major classes and mapped at a 1:25,000 scale. In March 2018, the team began with Finistère in the extreme west of Brittany. Following the same previous approach, they acquired and created color orthomosaics and integrated ancillary data. Using customized rule sets, eCognition sorted all of the Wet heathlands, one of the most difficult vegetation types to automatically classify. Photo credit: Oriana Garcia. CBN's Agnes Lieurade records findings during a vegetation survey. Left: Near-infrared orthophotos used to map the Menez-Hom region in southern Finistère. Below it is the eCognition classified map of the major vegetation types of the Menez-Hom region.

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