Customer Stories

Model Solution for As-built Information

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them to place the SX10 in optimal locations for both scanning and conventional total station measurements. Rather than removing the vault grating, crews could use smaller openings to safely measure the equipment in the vault. By placing the SX10 in strategic locations to scan the vault, they completed the work with just three setups in half a day. Surveying the remainder of the site required another half day and included scanning as well as prism measurements for precise location of the excavated pipes. The SX10 also captured high-resolution digital images of the site and equipment. In all, the crews visited the site on three separate days to set control and capture comprehensive data. INTEGRATING COMPLEX INFORMATION SOA technicians used Trimble Business Center Software (TBC) throughout the project. For the control, they combined data from the SX10 as well as digital levels and Trimble R10 GNSS receivers. "Most of our GNSS work is done with Trimble VRS," Trevino said. "And we have long used TBC for QA/QC on our data and for computing control coordinates." Using TBC's scanning module, SOA technicians quickly combined all of the scans from the project site. Because all setups were resected onto project control Finished 3D model of the vault developed from SX10 scanning data. Combined point clouds provide complete data on piping and equipment in sunken vault. Image data from the Trimble SX10 combines with point cloud to provide accurate 3D information.

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