Customer Stories

Returning the Great to the Great Barrier Reef

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Reef's geomorphology, its benthic habitats and specific coral types. Roelfsema and his team began with the topographic map. They processed 129 Sentinel-2 satellite images into seamless mosaics, and water depth, slope and wave values were derived using a previously established algorithm. They also incorporated any field survey data they could find on the GBR. To create a larger reference dataset, they applied the same eCognition rules from the initial set of 237 geomorphic reef maps to an additional 63 GBR reefs, producing geomorphic and benthic habitat maps for 300 reefs total. Given the enormity of the GBR and the terabytes of data to be analyzed, the team switched the classification and mapping process to Google Earth Engine (GEE). Using the Dense healthy coral just under the water surface close to the reef crest at Heron, Southern Great Barrier Reef. Photo: C.Roelfsema The mv Kalinda sits anchored at Ellison Reef in the Central Great Barrier Reef. Two smaller boats launch from here to drop divers and snorkelers off to collect georeferenced photo quadrate data along and on top of the reef to calibrate and validate habitat maps. Photo: K. Joyce

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