Customer Stories

Silent Sentinels Stand Guard in the Netherlands

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The instruments are remotely controlled by monitoring software taking preprogrammed cyclical measurements with millimeter precision. Data analysis can identify long-and short-term trends as well as producing real- time results as the TBM passes under each segment of the tunnel corridor. Fugro developed its own monitoring software, GeoRiskPortal®, which has been successfully used on a variety of projects worldwide. The software connects to many types of monitoring instruments, including strain gauges and extensometers. For this project, the company wanted to include Trimble total stations for the automated monitoring. Fugro used the Trimble Precision software development kit (TPSDK) to integrate the Trimble total stations with GeoRiskPortal. The TPSDK enables software control of the instruments, allowing developers to combine the high-precision total stations with their own custom software and instrumentation. Monitoring robotic total stations were mounted on solid posts in secure enclosures along the route. These self-contained monitoring units have robotic total stations, communications radios/-modems, rain/snow hoods, and sometimes cameras. They operate as a connected network of instruments and common inter-visible monitoring/control points. Right: In the port areas above the tunnel route, arrays of monitoring prisms are measured by robotic total stations on an ongoing basis. Left: To monitor the "soft" areas of the tunnel corridor, iron rods with prisms were driven into the open fields/parks in dense arrays.

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