Customer Stories

Trimble SX10 Total Station Resolves Issues During a Belgian Tram Construction Project

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USING THE SX10 The SX10 isn't an adapted platform, it's a new class of instrument designed and built from the ground up. It has the functionality of, and excels as a total station, along with full scanning and imaging capabilities. The traversing for project control and conventional surveying data collection are performed on the same instrument as the scanning, so there are no problems with proper registration of scans and images. The benefits of a single-field instrument environment also reduce subsequent steps in the office software. The instrument was widely used on the project. "Adapting to the SX10 was no problem," said Balens, "BAM Contractors use a lot of Trimble equipment and software, including the "S" series robotic total stations, TSC3 data collectors, Dini levels and Trimble Business Center office software." The features were familiar, which made learning the operation of the SX10 painless. In fact, the new features on the SX10 became favorites, Balens said. "There was no eyepiece, no active tracking, and we had not worked on a tablet with our total stations. But operating the SX10 is similar to operating our total stations. Finding yourself and the prism on the tablet view, which operates on the rod robotically, is very fast, and after a while we didn't miss the active tracking." "During layout, the tablet balances well on the survey rod," Egerickx added. "Now when I use one of our old total stations and the small screen of the data collector, I miss the tablet.

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