Customer Stories

Precise Positioning Provides “Superpower” Efficiency and Accuracy in Agricultural Research

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Glenn added that the local operators are often skilled agricultural scientists but have no background in GNSS positioning. The simplicity of the Trimble solution enables them to quickly establish accurate control and then focus on the work of crop assessment. "Our dealer helped us overcome our lack of deep background in surveying or GNSS," he said. "They helped us set up a very nice streamlined workflow that works reliably and gets the job done." Accurate 3D models enable assessment of plant heights, elevation and slopes in test plots. Supported by precise GNSS, high-resolution imagery enables assessment from field level (top) down to individual wheat plants (bottom). "We use the Trimble R2 with CenterPoint RTX. It does a great job for us for being able to quickly measure the coordinates of our ground control points." — Taylor Glenn, Ph.D., President, Precision Silver Example: Wheat Breeding Plots Overview map created from over 2,300 images stitched together

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