
White Paper: Trimble SX12 Tracking and Target Separation

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White Paper - SX12 Tracking and Target Separation 4 https://geospatial.trimble.com 4 The tracker uses a three step process to detect the target. This process is repeated over 100 times per second to provide smooth autolock tracking functionality: 1. The transmitter emits an infrared light and an image is captured using the tracker detector. 2. The transmitter is turned off and a second image is captured using the tracker detector. 3. The prism(s) can be identified by taking the differential of the two images, as shown in the image below: Figure 4. Shows how the target is detected using the difference between two images, one with the transmitter on and one with the transmitter off. SX12 Field of View The SX12 tracker field of view roughly equals the telecamera field of view. If you can't see your target in the telecamera then the tracker will not be able to see it either. Figure 5. Shows the field of view of the SX12 cameras and the tracker system. Primary Camera Telecamera & Approximate Tracker Overview

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