
White Paper: Trimble SX12 Tracking and Target Separation

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White Paper - SX12 Tracking and Target Separation 9 https://geospatial.trimble.com 9 Figure 11. The same data as in figure 10 but in plots instead. To calculate the minimum distance between two prisms of different size, simply use the average of the minimum separation of the two prism sizes. For example, calculate the minimum separation for two prisms at 30 m range: one with 25 mm diameter and one with 12.5 mm diameter: First, look up the minimum separation in Figure 10: At 30 m range, the 25 mm prism requires 55 mm separation from a prism the same size At 30 m range, the 12.5 mm prism requires 39 mm separation from a prism the same size Next, average the two to calculate the required separation: (55 mm + 39 mm) รท2 = 47 mm Answer: At 30m range, the 25 mm prism and 12.5 mm prism need a minimum separation of 47 mm from center to center Figure 12. Minimum separation example calculation

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