Press Coverage

A Wake-Up Call

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To be able to bring the policy statement to reality requires a major overhaul of government-led Space activities. Only then will the promises be realizable. By Prof. Arup Dasgupta LESSONS FOR INDIA IN COMMERCIALIZATION OF SPACE Indian private sector will be a co-traveler in the country's Space sector journey India will provide predictable policy and regulatory environment to private players Future projects for planetary exploration, outer Space travel, etc. will be open for private sector India will provide level playing field for private companies in satellites, launches and Space-based services Private sector will be allowed to use ISRO facilities and other relevant assets to improve their capacities There will be a liberal geospatial data policy for providing Remote Sensing data to tech-entrepreneurs Here is what the minister said O n May 16, 2020, Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman electrified the Space community with the bold announcement on boosting private participation in Space activities. | May-June 2020 18 IN PERSPECTIVE

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