Press Coverage

A Wake-Up Call

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VOLUME: 11 ISSUE: 01 Chairman MP Narayanan Editor-in-Chief Sanjay Kumar Managing Editor Prof. Arup Dasgupta Editor Defence & Internal Security Lt Gen (Dr) AKS Chandele (Retd) Editor-At-Large Technology & Innova on Anusuya Da a Associate Editors Policy & Public Affairs Avneep Dhingra Business & Market Analysis Shimon Paul Correspondent Mahashreveta Choudhary Chief Designer Subhash Kumar Visualizer Pradeep Chauhan Sales Vaishali Dixit Disclaimer Geospatial World does not necessarily subscribe to the views expressed in the publication. All views expressed in this issue are those of the contributors. Geospatial World is not responsible for any loss to anyone due to the information provided. Owner, Publisher & Printer: Sanjay Kumar Printed at Virtika Offset Printers G-14 Sector 3, Noida - 201 301 Gautam Budh Nagar (UP) India Publication Address A - 92, Sector - 52, Noida - 201 301 India. The edition contains 52 pages including cover. Geospatial World Geospatial Media and Communications Pvt. Ltd. A - 145, Sector - 63, Noida, India Tel + 91-120-4612500, Fax +91-120-4612555/666 Price: INR 150/US$15 INTERVIEW POLICY UPDATE SPECIAL FEATURE CASE STUDY WIDE ANGLE IN PERSPECTIVE TECHNOLOGY TRACK 31 44 06 40 46 48 18 34 Geospatial Knowledge Infrastructure to Power Decisions at All Levels Milorad Kovacevic, Chief of Statistics, United Nations Development Programme Unlocking Data Potential to Defeat Pandemic Thalia Baldwin, Director, Geospatial Commission, UK Advancing US Leadership in Commercial Space Industry A Historic Connection Accuracy Matters SAR Imagery and Quality Metrics Lessons for India in Commercialization of Space A Spatial Touch: All About GeoAI 06 REGULAR FEATURES 04 Editorial 05 08 Out of Turn Product Watch Infosphere: The Big Commercial Flight | May-June 2020 3 CONTENT 10 A WAKE-UP CAll Apart from being an unparalleled crisis, COVID-19 is a unique opportunity for the world to enhance efforts around technology democra za on, so that we are collec vely prepared to take on future challenges. Learn all about the historic NASA-SpaceX human spaceflight mission 12 Cover Story

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