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A Wake-Up Call

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Product Strengths ➝  Allows easier modeling of complex shapes with geometry improvements ➝  Provides be er usability, control and produc vity with concrete rebar detailing enhancements ➝  Enables quick and easy form- works modeling and improved hollowcore concrete detailing Latest Version of Trimble's Tekla So ware Solu ons is Here Trimble has recently introduced the latest versions of its Tekla so ware solu ons for advanced Building Informa on Modeling (BIM), structural engineering and steel fabrica on management — Tekla Structures 2020, Tekla Structural Designer 2020, Tekla Tedds 2020 and Tekla PowerFab 2020. Tekla so ware is at the heart of design and construc on workflows building on the free flow of informa on, construc ble models and improved collabora on. Tekla Structures supports the construc ble process to transform the en re design, build and operate lifecycle. Tekla Structures 2020 delivers enhancements, improvements and new features that enable efficient workflows for be er produc vity, increased mobility and collabora on across project teams. Here Technologies has recently launched its route planning solu on, WeGo Deliver, in India to enable businesses op mize their delivery of goods and services. The solu on will assist small enterprises in plan- ning and dispatching deliveries without any so ware development or implementa on cost. The company has made access to WeGo Deliver free of charge to all small or medium-sized businesses un l 2021. Users can upload their order des na ons and number of drivers to the online planning dashboard and the solu on will op mize each route and delivery sequence for them. Drivers can get their delivery route by email and can access the delivery route end points by using the Here WeGo mobile app. Leica Geosystems' Map360 v4.0 to Simplify Incident Reconstruc on Leica Geosystems has come out with the latest version of Leica Map360 crash and crime scene diagramming and reconstruc on so ware, bringing three edi ons to meet specific customer needs based on the technology used to measure and collect any scene. With an all new user experience and interface, Map360 v4.0 simplifies incident reconstruc on ac vi es for inves ga- tors, reconstruc onists and other public safety personnel. With 2D intui ve workflows, Map360 Sketch offers a program designed to create basic diagrams, floorplans and reports from manual measurements, imported points, or UAV imagery. Suppor ng All Signals: CHCNAV's AT661 GNSS Geode c Antenna CHC Naviga on (CHCNAV) has released its new AT661 GNSS geode c antenna, which offers a performance rivalling that of high- cost and bulky conven onal GNSS choke ring antennas. Its affordable price makes it the best choice for any GNSS networks or monitoring applica on. The AT661 supports all current and future GNSS signals, including GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo, QZSS, IRNSS, SBAS and L-band. The antenna features both high gain LNA and wide beam width to provide excellent flexibility in applica ons requiring low eleva on satellites recep on and high availability of GNSS signals, especially in obstructed situa ons. The accuracy of the antenna's phase center reaches the millimetre-level with extremely high stability and repeatability to ensure perfect processing of GNSS data regardless of the length of the baselines. Built to last, the AT661 withstands all types of weather, including high and low temperatures, and is protected by a waterproof radome. Here Tech's Free Route Planning Solu on for Indian SMEs Product U lity ➝  Users can upload order des na- ons and number of drivers to get op mized routes and delivery sequence ➝  Drivers can get their delivery route by email and can access the end points by using the Here WeGo mobile app Product Advantages ➝  Compact ➝  Affordable ➝  Provides millimetre accuracy Product Highlights ➝  Measure and collect a scene ➝  All new user interface ➝  3D capabili es and tools along with anima on | May-June 2020 9

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