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A Wake-Up Call

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Under the leadership of Vikram Sarabhai, ISRO forged ahead with launchers, primarily PSLV, INSAT commu- nications satellites and IRS Remote Sensing satellites Courtesy: PRL, Ahmedabad Courtesy: ISRO A file photo of Vikram Sarabhai (le) with Jawaharlal Nehru. As far back as the early 1960s, Sarabhai, working with the Depart ment of Atomic Energy, realized that Space could play an important role in India's development. In 1962, he formed the Indian National Commiee for Space Research, with the support of the then Prime Minister Nehru Under the leadership of Vikram Sarabhai, ISRO forged ahead with launchers, primarily PSLV, INSAT commu- nications satellites and IRS Remote Sensing satellites shoulders of the Prime Minister aer the failure of the Chandrayaan lander is not one that instills confidence in the organization's ability to co-travel with potential challengers in the fields of technology and applications. Given this scenario, ISRO is most unsuited to take on the task of encouraging co-travelers. ere is too much of bureau- cratization and severe conflict of interest. e sad stories of Devas and TeamIndus strengthen this view. Leaving operational activities to others more suited for the task will be painful for ISRO because over time, it has given birth to a Siamese twin of R&D and operations. While the R&D is in the ICU, the operations part is thriving. ISRO has world-class facilities for fabri- cation and testing, which are used by both, but operations get a higher priority and R&D suffers. Also, working on operational projects with a short life span is more interesting, as it Micronet Solutions Authorized Distributor: India MICRONET SOLUTIONS Plot No.80, KT Nagar, Katol road, Nagpur- 440013 Phone: +91-9422 104111, +91-844-6563560 | Fax: +91-712-2570055 Email:, THE NEW STANDARD OF GLOBAL ELEVATION MODELS WORLDDEM™ at a glance: • Superior elevation information anywhere on Earth • Homogenous standardised pole-to-pole coverage • Unrivalled accuracy: 2m (relative) / 4m (absolute) vertical accuracy in a 5m x 5m raster • Easy access Geo-Intelligence Rishikesh

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