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A Wake-Up Call

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eliminating restrictions such as limits on the resolution of imagery and additional con- ditions by the government aer issuance of license. Interestingly, the guidelines require the government to assess the remote sensing data already planned or available in the market to determine whether any conditions should be applied to companies. e rules eliminate the special conditions in place for systems like synthetic aperture radar (SAR), shortwave infrared or nighime imaging. e regulations also recognize the growing role of Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing and other advanced technologies in extracting unique information from remote sensing, and thus apply only to the Remote Sensing instruments and components that support their operation. e development comes nearly a year aer a dra version of the rules received severe criticism from the industry. "e stream- lined remote sensing rules reflect the Trump Administration's commitment to advance American leadership throughout a diverse array of commercial space industries," Wilbur Ross, US Secretary of Commerce, said in a statement. "We heard the message from industry loud and clear that previous regula- tions were too restrictive and were preventing the realization of unique economic opportu- nities from commercial satellite remote sens- ing systems. I am grateful to President Trump, Vice President Pence, the National Space Council, NOAA, and the Office of Space Commerce for their leadership in bringing these new rules to fruition," Ross added. T he United States Department of Commerce's decision to ease restrictions on remote sensing regulations has received a thumbs up from commercial satellite players in the country. Released on May 19, 2020, the regu- lations will improve the licensing process for private satellite remote sensing operations. e rules are aimed at increasing openness and transparency in licensing and | May-June 2020 POLICY UPDATE ADVANCING US LEADERSHIP IN COMMERCIAL SPACE INDUSTRY US Commerce Department's move to ease restrictions on Remote Sensing regulations will increase transparency and boost business. By Anusuya Datta 6 Courtesy: DigitalGlobe

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