Press Coverage

The Evolution of BIM Use for Bridges and Tunnels

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40 MAY 2019 the clarinet soon turned out to be pretty cool too, after I found out about great players such as Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw, Avrahm Galper, Simeon Bellison, and the like. Over the years, I have been fortunate to have had several good teachers, both in school and via private lessons. Playing clarinet in community bands and orchestras is something that I continue to do to this day. In fact, I met my wife in an orchestra – she was the oboe player who sat in front of me in the university's student orchestra. C+S: You are a tour leader with MS Bike Ride for Multiple Sclerosis. What led you to support this organization? GN: Growing up, I had an aunt who was diagnosed with MS in her early 30s. Over the next 30 years, I unfortunately got to see firsthand the progressive symptoms of the disease which ultimately led to her passing in 2012. At the time, the consulting firm I worked for had put together a team for the MS charity bike ride, so I thought it was only fitting that I get involved to help raise funds towards finding a cure. The ride is something that I try to do every year, rain or shine. C+S: You are a recognized industry expert with all the accolades that come with it. What keeps you humble and hungry? GN: I consider engineering to be a profession of service and collabora- tion. What engineers do is take science and technology and apply it to solve problems for the betterment of society. We also spend a lot of time talking with stakeholders and other professionals to learn about society's needs, and develop potential solutions that can be built to address those needs. Engineers like myself are always trying to think of how we can design things to be more efficient, cheaper to build, longer lasting, more ro- bust, and easier to use. I see this as the never-ending engineering design problem, and one that provides many opportunities and rewards along the way. In my view, the mark of good engineering work is delivering projects that enhance the quality of life for the people around you. I get to do this every day. Why would I stop now? Looking for your next strategic hire? Contact Us: 800.466.6275 or We work with you to develop an efficient and effective hiring process for your firm We maintain an extensive database of potential candidates in your field We filter through hundreds of candidates and only present those who meet your requirements We help you make your next hire • • • • Zweig Group's Value: RICHARD MASSEY is managing editor of Zweig Group publications. He can be reached at

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