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46 Spring 2019 predicted and unpredicted temperatures and environmental conditions. This coating is formulated for resistance against temperatures of -196 – 650˚C, making it suitable for almost all oil, gas and petrochemical processing and storage facilities, including offshore floating facilities and assets in harsh environments. An inert multi-polymeric matrix type material, the coating contains a silicone backbone that delivers a high temperature resistance. The material is also faster drying than silicone aluminium coatings and so can reduce downtime during maintenance and increase productivity when applied from new. Inert multi-polymeric matrixes can be specified for a number of temperature and performance categories, making them suitable for bulk items such as pipework and valves, or any items where the exact operating temperature may not be known at the design stage. Due to its versatility, the coating helps simplify the review process between the coatings provider and asset manufacturer. Testing of the coating and the construction materials is of vital importance here, as it helps to better characterise the material and its behaviour under a wide range of thermal conditions. Thorough examination and testing There are a wide range of testing procedures that should be explored, as determining risk and exposure to CUI must consider every possible variable, threat or mitigating circumstance. An ASTM D 2485 test, for example, determines a coating's resistance to heat by exposing coated panels to a range of temperatures over a period of time. These panels are then allowed to cool off, before being inspected for signs of blistering, cracking, flaking or delamination. The panels are then exposed to a corrosive environment via accelerated corrosion testing. This seeks to identify any areas where cracks have developed and may have penetrated the substrate – creating a bed for corrosion. Optical microscopy can then also be used for even more detailed inspection. A Houston pipe test – technically known as a cyclic insulated pipe test – should also be used for testing CUI resistance. Although this testing procedure does have its limitations, valuable insight can be gained by testing a section of pipe, insulated with materials such as mineral wool or calcium silicate. The pipe is heated, insulated, and then saturated with a salt solution before it is heated to a higher temperature on a hotplate for a sustained period. Finally, it is cooled again. Improved immunity These are just two examples of the many and varied testing procedures that should be carried out in the process of developing coating solutions for tanks, terminals and processing facilities and for guarding against CUI. Several other testing procedures, including cyclic corrosion testing and cyclic testing incorporating immersion, can and should also be used to select the optimal coating solution for every component. A new ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standard, 19277:2018, was introduced last year for the qualification testing and acceptance criteria for protective coating systems under insulation. This new standard brings together for the first time all the test methods and acceptance criteria required to prequalify a coating for CUI service. Having examined the performance of coatings in detail, and with a multitude of protective solutions available, asset owners and operators can ensure adequate protection from the elements. This will fortify assets for longer and harden equipment to threats that cannot be controlled. While the process of CUI is a slow one, it is extremely invasive and can cause significant damage, disruption and delay. Enforced downtime, expensive corrective procedures and therapies will be required if CUI does occur to critical equipment, and owners and operators will have to carry the cost. Immunising against the threat in the first place and looking after the overall health of facilities is the best means of ensuring a long, productive and prosperous lifecycle. Figure 2. Versatile coating solutions such as Versiline CUI 56990 help to simplify the review process between the coatings provider and asset manufacturer.

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