Press Coverage

Inside Information

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T P S . T A M U . E D U | # T P S 2 0 1 9 # T U R B O P U M P 1 9 R E G I S T R A T I O N O P E N S S U M M E R 2 0 1 9 4 8 T H T U R B O M A C H I N E R Y & 3 5 T H P U M P S Y M P O S I A "TPS offers ever ything one would hope to expect with the cost of shows. Networking, current and potential customer contact, technical and learning sessions, trend obser vation, helpful staff and most importantly, targeted exposure to the industr y resulting in quality leads. The Turbomachiner y Show continues to be one [of our] most successful and beneficial platforms for industr y exposure… TPS is relevant and the best show in the industr y." MAEVE MCGOFF Sales & Marketing Coordinator, Cincinnati Gearing Systems MARK YOUR CALENDARS! SYMPOSIA & EXHIBITION: SEPT. 10-12 SHORT COURSES: SEPT. 11

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