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over limited numbers of physical pipes. Delivery of a specifi c liquid stored in any particular tank to any specifi c outlet – such as a ship, pipeline, or refi nery intake – must be possible at any time. In storage and pumping applications, valves typically operate slowly to avoid the risk of pressure surges in pipelines, bearing in mind the large diameters and high fl owrates. Standard electric actuators are the perfect fi t for these requirements. To avoid faulty operation, integral interlock functions with reliable end-position feedback ensure that the valves are opened or closed in the right order and at the right time. Recent innovations include electric actuators with variable motor speeds. These provide an ideal solution when high operating speeds are required. AUMA's SARV actuators, for example, can operate at high speed across most of the valve travel and then slow down when approaching the end position. This gives the advantage of rapid operation while preventing any risk of pressure surges. These characteristics are also benefi cial for control valves in blending and metering systems, which place the highest requirements on fl ow control accuracy and high operating speed. Here, the operating speed over valve travel can be adjusted according to the valve characteristics, even for complex valves such as double block and bleed valves. 'Soft start' and 'soft close' functions can be programmed to reduce mechanical stress and prolong the life of actuators and valves. Variable-speed actuators also provide more freedom in project planning, since a single size of actuator can meet different speed requirements in different applications. The operating speed can be adapted retrospectively onsite depending on the process requirements. Prime connectivity Tank farms generally require a high degree of valve automation and tight integration with distributed control systems (DCSs) or supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. Electric actuators form the crucial interface between the process and the control system, acting as the 'brain' of the motor operated valve (MOV) package. In most cases, electric actuators are equipped with intelligent integral controls that assume communication with the DCS. Controls are available with various interfaces to the DCS, allowing both parallel signal transmission and fi eldbus communication, including Profi bus DP, Modbus RTU, Foundation Fieldbus, HART and WirelessHART. Powerful electronics allow electric actuators to act as information hubs for both process-related data, (e.g. valve position feedback) and actuator-related data, based on advanced self-diagnostics to enable condition-based predictive maintenance. Asset management based on device-specifi c data boosts plant reliability and reduces unexpected downtime. Further benefi ts can come from using a master station as a decentralised automation solution for controlling and monitoring actuators within networks, especially in the case of large numbers of actuators and long distances. U.S. EPA is no longer supporting its TANKS 4.09d software and it will not be updated to include proposed revisions to the AP-42 emission factors publication. Not to worry – BREEZE TankESP PRO v.5.0 software includes updated EPA emissions methodologies and powerful productivity enhancements to effectively manage tank emission calculations. ȧ 2SWLRQDOXVHRISURSRVHGHPLVVLRQIDFWRUV ȧ $FFRPPRGDWHPLGPRQWKFKDQJHVLQVHUYLFH ȧ &DOFXODWHHPLVVLRQVIURPˊRDWLQJDQGˉ[HGURRIWDQNV ȧ $FFRXQWIRUFKDQJHVLQWDQNFRQVWUXFWLRQ See all that TankESP offers at or call us at +1 (972) 661-8881. &KRRVH%5((=(p7DQN(63ɎIRU7DQN(PLVVLRQV&DOFXODWLRQ There's Something in the Air For Storage Tanks Modeling Software for EHS Professionals

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