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Spring 2019 23 2 T here has been discussion recently concerning the need for a dedicated lightning protection system on aluminium geodesic domes covering petroleum storage tanks. This is partly due to recent lightning-caused fires in such structures. Discussions tend to focus on two areas of concern: direct lightning attachment and conducting lightning energy to ground. The lightning attachment debate centres on the ability of dome components to sustain a direct lightning strike without damage, particularly burn-through. The current conducting discussion centres on the ability of the dome structure, roof attachment to the tank rim, and the tank shell to safely conduct lightning energy to ground. Arguments for not protecting these structures point to studies regarding other types of aluminium structures, including aircraft. However, the occurrence of even one storage tank fire argues persuasively against the relevance of such studies to storage tanks. Referenced documents Throughout this discussion are references to both American Petroleum Institute (API) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) documents. The API-recommended practices are API 2003, 'Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents' and API 545, 'Recommended Practice for Lightning Protection of Aboveground Storage Tanks for Bruce A. Kaiser, Lightning Master, USA, explains how geodesic domes on storage tanks can be protected from lightning using systems that meet industry standards and recommended practices.

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