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Spring 2019 35 3 I ndustries are changing at a rapid pace and one of the primary drivers of this change is robotic technology. Robots are no longer the bipedal walking machines seen only in science fi ction. They play a key role in a wide range of industries including automotive, aerospace, electronics, food and many more. Robotics is helping companies increase their bottom line, reduce their risk of exposure and keep a more watchful eye over their assets. An emerging application scenario for the technology is the use of robots in demanding or dangerous environments. Robots can safely replace humans in undertaking hazardous activities in radioactive environments, military operations, rescue missions and industrial inspection. In addition to safety advantages, robotic industrial inspection presents numerous economic benefi ts by reducing workforce costs and increasing data acquisition speed. Novel robotic inspection technologies enable platforms that submerge, crawl and fl y. These unique capabilities are being deployed throughout industry and are poised to have a signifi cant impact. The applications are broad: today's robotics inspection will impact people and companies through aerial photography and visual inspection, measurement and remote sensing, mapping and surveying, environmental monitoring, data analysis, disaster risk management, and 3D modelling, etc. Companies follow routine, standardised inspections of their plant, processes and assets. This is an effi cient method of maintaining their assets and preventing unforeseen dangers. Industries including power generation, refi ning, chemicals, process plants, etc., require frequent inspection of the machinery, large pipes, tanks, pressure vessels, wind turbines, mixing vats, power transmission lines, posts and other equipment. Pouya Kamalinejad and Reza Tavakoli, Avestec, Canada, discusses the advantages of adopting robotic technology for asset inspection.

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