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38 Spring 2019 The sensors are modular and can be changed based on the type of the inspection. The robotic arm employs a mechanism that moves the NDT transducer in three dimensions, which enables an area, as opposed to one spot, to be measured. Another robotic apparatus implements surface preparation, which is benefi cial when NDT measurements are to be performed on rough or dirty surfaces. The robotic arm also embeds a miniature, refi llable couplant dispenser, which is a required part of UT measurement. The aerial robot offers full visual inspection using an HD imaging camera spanning a wide range from the fl oor to the ceiling. This camera is mounted on the platform using a customised 2D gimbal which enables stable pictures and videos to be captured. Various lenses may be used on the camera according to inspection requirements. High intensity and remotely adjustable LEDs facilitate fl ight, navigation and visual inspection in dark and confi ned spaces. The aerial robot features collision avoidance technology, employing a combination of laser-based and ultrasonic rangefi nders along with a detect-and-avoid algorithm that runs on top of fl ight control stack. Collision avoidance effectively guarantees a safe fl ight and helps mitigate human error in dense industrial environments. Highly reliable results from surface measurement sensors along with high quality visual images, all without deploying any scaffolding or requiring rope access, make the data delivery and decision-making process much faster and more accurate. Aerial platforms generally suffer from limited payload and fl ight time. In view of their high energy density and low weight, lithium-based batteries are commonly used as the power source for aerial platforms. However, battery-driven aerial platforms can only fl y for 20 – 30 min. before their batteries run out. The short fl ight time is exacerbated for heavier industrial platforms. To overcome this shortcoming, Avestec has developed a smart tethered power transfer system which enables unlimited fl ight time by continuously delivering power to the aerial robot through an ultra-light and fl exible cable. The tether system automatically adjusts the tension on the cable in order to prevent it from tangling with the platform or obstacles. Integration of the robotic aerial platform with the smart tether system results in high payload capacity and stable, indefi nite fl ights. In addition to a wide range of NDT sensors, visual inspection sensors and the tether system, the hardware platform is accompanied with analysis, reporting and controlling software. The interface software provides visual feedback and NDT readings in real time. Additionally, the interface implements robotic control features for gimbal and lighting remote control, surface cleaning, transducer 3D movement and the couplant dispensing mechanism. The software uploads the images and readings to a local (and, optionally, a cloud) server for post-processing. Post-processed results are automatically tagged with location data and inspector comments and are linked with associated images of the measured area. The software generates a custom report based on user requirements. Conclusion To summarise, aerial robotic inspection signifi cantly facilitates industrial inspection. With the help of robots, inspections are performed faster and hard-to-reach spaces are accessed in a safer manner. Robotic inspection increases productivity by minimising operation shutdowns. Furthermore, time- and cost-effective inspection, facilitated by the use of aerial robots, enable higher frequency inspections with shorter downtime. This reduces the risk of unforeseen complications and keeps management more aware of the integrity of assets. Replacing humans with robots for hazardous jobs eliminates the risk of fatalities and injuries occurring during industrial inspection. Figure 4. Post-processed inspection data and automated industry-standard report. Figure 3. Real time high definition video and robotic control interface.

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