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W W W. I LTA .O R G /AO C T S I N T E R N A T I O N A L O P E R A T I N G C O N F E R E N C E & T R A D E S H O W 39th ANNUAL H O U S T O N , T E X A S M A R R I O T T M A R Q U I S H O U S T O N G E O R G E R . B R O W N C O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R Join more than 4,500 terminal industry professionals AT THE PREMIER ANNUAL EVENT for liquid terminal owners and aboveground storage tank operators. 2019 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Industry leader Melanie Little opens our confer- ence with a presentation on improving performance using strategy, outcomes and goals. While most companies have a written strategy, team members often fail to understand how the strategy ties into their jobs. Little will share lessons and demonstrate how having a clear strategy can ensure alignment across all functional areas and bolster team morale. Attendees will learn how a clear strategy can provide a platform for senior leaders to develop and communicate key outcomes and ensure that resources are truly focused in areas that will provide the best chance of achieving the company's success. During lunch on Monday, scientist Jordy Hendrikx will ask us to re-think risk by looking at lessons learned in other hazard- ous settings—namely avalanche-prone areas. Bridging his decades of research on avalanche fatalities with his knowledge of risk man- agement, Hendrikx will demonstrate how focusing on human-dimensions and decision making can help reduce fatalities and injuries in any risky setting. Hendrikx has spent the last 20 years working on snow and avalanche projects in mountains around the world, from Antarctica to the Arctic. His work has been featured by Nature, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and Powder Magazine. The conference concludes with a presentation from author Walter Nusbaum. Building on themes from his books, Do You Have What It Takes? and The Sink: Radical Transformation with One Small Change, Nusbaum will examine the seven critical traits of successful leaders and teams and show how success can be accomplished by anyone willing to do the work. Nusbaum will challenge everyone to evaluate themselves, and he will discuss how they can continue to develop each of the seven critical elements of success. Walter's academic background in strategic management, leadership and philos- ophy, along with his ability to see the problem and provide proven solutions, has made him a highly sought-after speaker and coach. Improving Performance Melanie Little Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P. Senior Vice President, Operations and Environmental, Health, Safety & Security Re-thinking Risk Jordy Hendrikx Montana State University Director of the Snow and Avalanche Lab, Associate Professor of Geography Traits of Successful Leaders Walter Nusbaum President, The Nusbaum Group Author, Do You Have What It Takes? and The Sink: Radical Transformation with One Small Change

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