Press Coverage

Establishing Land Boundaries in the Middle East

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been re-purposed to meet the Size, Weight and Power (SWaP) restrictions typically found with UAVs, while other are now being deployed specifically for UAV platforms, such as the range of LiDAR/RGB camera systems available from GeoCue Group. Improved data capture and processing techniques are also helping to drive the value of the image data collected from UAV platform. There is now yet another tool available to survey and mapping organization for the capture of land parcel data and that is the use of UAV imagery for parcel mapping. Over the past 5 years and more the survey and mapping industry has witnessed a revolution in data collection from UAV platforms. Unlike manned aircraft surveys, or mapping from satellite imagery, UAVs can fly at a much lower altitude, making the generation of precise and accurate survey grade data, much more efficient and cost effective and virtually independent of atmospheric conditions such as cloud cover. of several centimeters. Mapping from satellite imagery has also emerged as a key methodology for the mapping of larger parcel fabrics, such as with agricultural land or forest plots. Imaging satellites provide a much wider field of view when compared to manned aerial imagery and have much higher temporal resolutions, some with daily revisits over the same area of the globe. The quality of satellite imagery has improved dramatically since the launch of the first imaging satellite in 1972 (approx. 80m pixels) to today, where commercial imaging satellites can provide pixel resolutions of approximately 30 cm, such as that available from Digital Globe. I N D U S T R Y Figure 1: UAV Systems for Parcel Mapping. . G I S R E S O U R C E S | M A R C H 2 0 2 1 0 7 The Emergence of Land Parcel Mapping from UAVs Jane Doe In today's UAV survey and mapping world, the first two types of UAVs are most commonly deployed for survey and parcel mapping work. The multi- rotor platform is best deployed for those parcel mapping mission that are constrained to relatively small project areas (i.e. within Visual Line of Sight). Fixed Wing platforms provide better coverage for larger area collects and Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) mapping missions (where permitted by regulations), as they can typically fly faster and cover more area for the same flight time. 2) Payload Considerations: Selecting a sensor payload for parcel mapping can be a daunting task given the variety of UAV compatible sensors now available. Typically though, either a high-resolution RGB camera, or multispectral sensor or LiDAR, or a combination thereof will be selected for parcel mapping purposes, depending on how the data will be used. In selecting a sensor package, the objective is to work with payloads that will generate the data required, thus it is important to first define the requirements for the parcel mapping project and then select the sensor system that will best support the required deliverables. The growth of survey and mapping within the commercial UAV space is being driven by a variety of factors, first and foremost is the fact that UAV platforms have been shown capable of generating high-quality survey grade data that meets the requirements for large-scale parcel mapping.In addition, established players as well as new start-ups are manufacturing UAV platforms designed specifically for survey and mapping purposes (e.g. see Microdrones or SmartDrone). Another factor is the constant improvement in sensor payloads. Many types of sensor systems have Multi Rotor UAVs Fixed Wing UAVs Single Rotor Platforms – (i.e. helicopter) Fixed Wing Hybrid Platforms When configuring or choosing a system for UAV parcel mapping, several elements must be considered, including the selection and use of a UAV platform, the sensor payload deployed, a data augmentation solution, and the data processing methods and techniques designed to achieve the parcel survey accuracy required. Key components for UAV Parcel Survey: 1) UAV Survey and Mapping Platforms for Parcel Mapping: UAV platforms typically fall into one of four categories: Considerations for UAV Parcel Mapping

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