
White Paper - Wi-Fi HaLow Radio Technology with Trimble SX12 and EM130

Issue link: https://geospatial.trimble.com/en/resources/i/1497632

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Wi-Fi HaLow Radio Technology 8 Other high-power transmitting radios such as cellular communication towers operating in adjacent bands could potentially impact the performance of the Wi-Fi HaLow radio. In addition, power conversion devices or electrical motor drivers could potentially generate strong broadband electromagnetic waves (EMI) which could also impact the performance of the radio. Because it is not always simple to identify a source of radio interference, you can run the Auto-Select Channel tool in the Trimble Access software to scan the available channels looking for the best channel. To learn more about the Auto-Select Channel tool, please see the Troubleshooting section below. Effect of Environmental Elements: Line of Sight Generally in outdoor environments, the best user experience is achieved when there is line of sight between the transmitter and the receiver. That is, when the SX12 and EM130 module antennas have an unobstructed view of each other. In practice, in outdoor environments Wi-Fi HaLow radio is more robust than standard Wi-Fi and Long Range Radio in situations without a clear line of sight. When using Wi-Fi HaLow, one should expect fewer link connect/disconnect issues in busy urban environments with significant traffic, or when there are obstructions within line of sight such as dumpsters or trucks, or when the signal is going around a building corner or through tree line. This is especially helpful when performing a full dome scan, where you don't want to be included in the scan, so you can position yourself behind a building or object without losing connectivity. Line of Sight: Body-Blocking Effect For optimal performance during radio operation, avoid "body-blocking" the antenna. That is to say, as much as possible, the user should try to position themselves so they arenot between the EM130 antenna and instrument antenna.

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