Customer Stories

Scanning the Stadium—A Monumental Project for BB Surveys

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CUSTOMER BB Surveys Ltd PROJECT A 4,600 scan football stadium project SOLUTION Trimble X7 3D Laser Scanner and Trimble RealWorks 3D model of the stand Scanning the stadium – a monumental project for BB Surveys TM Based in the East of England and opera� ng throughout the UK, BB Surveys is an experienced and trusted land surveying company that undertakes a range of surveys including topographic, as-built, 3D Laser Scanning and high precision monitoring. The survey team, under the leadership of Owner Barry Burrows, may be compact in size, but this understates the company's commitment to cu� ng-edge surveying techniques and advanced computer technology. Not only was BB Surveys the fi rst prac� ce in the UK to acquire a Trimble X7 3D Laser Scanner, the company also has the advantage of retaining the most expe- rienced user of Trimble RealWorks so� ware in the UK and Ireland in Scanning Specialist Jason Jones. Trimble RealWorks is point cloud processing and analysis so� ware for 3D laser scanning profes- sionals. It includes automated tools and point cloud specifi c workfl ows allowing users to import point cloud data from virtually any source, then quickly process, analyse and create the high quality customer deliverables that BB Surveys is known for. Solely responsible for processing all laser scanning jobs and experienced in using a range of diff erent laser scanners since 2010, Jason switched to Trimble RealWorks over a decade ago and today RealWorks and Trimble Business Center (for transforma� on of fi eld data into high-quality client deliverables) remain his go to so� ware for processing scan data. A vast project and fi nding the right solu� on The main use of the Trimble X7 for BB Surveys is for measured building surveys, both internally and externally. These can range in size from a single barn or residen� al building to more recently, an en� re football stadium. The team has an extensive KOREC supplied Trimble por� olio at its disposal and therefore can pick the best solu� ons specifi c to each project choosing from high accuracy total sta� ons, four types of GNSS, including the R12i, the X7 3D Laser Scanner and also a Trimble SX10 Scanning Total Sta� on. BB Surveys was recently commissioned by Foxton Construc� on to carry out a laser scanning project at Aston Villa F.C. and in par� cular, to update informa� on on the Holte End to assist in the planning and design of new sea� ng proposals. The job would require both internal and external scans with a deliverable of 2D eleva� ons, 2D fl oor plans and 3D Revit model. Most rated benefi t of the Trimble X7 for BB Surveys: On-board registra� on with the Perspec� ve so� ware This saves hours of processing � me and makes it easier for companies like BB Surveys where they have diff erent teams for data capture and processing. Plus, you can see your fully registered point cloud before you leave the site, avoiding any gaps through missing scans. "Before being able to register 'as you go', even a simple fi � y scan job over one or two levels was a pain due to needing site diagrams show- ing scan loca� ons and links between levels, let alone a job like this with literally thousands of scans." Jason Jones, BB Surveys How BB Surveys successfully completed a vast football stadium project with over 4,600 scans and mul� -sensor integra� on to create a range of high-quality deliverables.

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