Customer Stories

Scanning the Stadium—A Monumental Project for BB Surveys

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CONTACT US Please do get in touch for further information on any of the products or services mentioned in this case study, a demonstration, support or just a chat about your requirements. (UK) 0345 603 1214 (IRE) 01 456 4702 Top 4 Trimble RealWorks takeaways from Jason Jones on this project: • For especially large projects, when you are impor� ng your TDX fi les into RealWorks, choose a larger Spa� al Sampling distance (20mm). This should s� ll be enough to reg- ister the data together but won't slow the process down with too many points. Then once registered, you can bring in more points for drawing/modelling/expor� ng using the Create Sampled Scans tool or Limit Box Extrac� on. Also applying a maximum distance on the data loaded will help reduce the number of points. • Rather than using checker boards or other targets for georeferencing, we used SX10 scans coordinated using site control. This way we had millions of points to fi x to, rather than just a handful of control points. • Split your project up into groups for registra� on and in par� cular for refi ning the registra� on. These could be en� re fl oors of a small building or a group for each room/corridor/stairwell if you are dealing with much larger spaces. Registering and then refi ning each of these groups in turn and then registering these groups together keeps the data sizes down for each process on larger projects and helps speed up the processing. These groups and subgroups can then be merged once the registra� on has been fi nalised. • Keep your RealWorks Project saved on your root drive whilst registering and not buried in a series of mul� ple sub folders with long names as this can cause the so� ware to crash or run slowly (eg. D:\Wall Scan.rwp rather than D:\Workarea La- ser Scanning\Project 0001 – Client – Building Project\Wall Monitoring\RealWorks\ Wall Scan.rwp) On-board calibra� on – both the � me and monitory saving of this is huge. With previous scanners used by Jason before he joined BB Surveys, he was aware that the calibra� on cost was around £4k and the process could leave them without a scanner for several weeks at a � me. TDX fi le format – the X7 data works smoothly with all of BB Survey's so� ware packages allowing the team to switch easily between TBC and RealWorks and for combining data from the X7 and SX10 seamlessly. The X7's indoor mode – a useful way for speeding up internal scans, saving 10 seconds each � me, which adds up on a project of this scale. KOREC support – BB Surveys states that over the years KOREC has been a great source of advice, technical support and training. Barry Burrows (left) and Jason Jones (right)

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