Accessories Catalog

Trimble Geospatial Accessories Catalog

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C ATA L O G Tribrachs Range Poles, Tripods, Tribrachs and Leveling Staffs Tribrach with both an optical plummet on the tribrach, as well as an optical path for the instrument or prism base plummet. Replacement tribrach for the Trimble SX10 total station, also compatible with Trimble S-series instruments. P/N: 70600007 Replacement Tribrach without Optical Plummet for Trimble S-series total stations for Trimble traverse prism kit. Also compatible with Trimble SX10 total station and TX6 3D laser scanner. P/N: 78607007 Tribrach with optical plummet for prisms, targets or GNSS setups. P/N: 58002007 Tribrach with Bi-Direction Optical Plummet Tribrach without Optical Plummet Tribrach with Optical Plummet 14

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