Accessories Catalog

Trimble Geospatial Accessories Catalog

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C ATA L O G Small Monitoring Prism Prisms and Targets Monitoring Accessories Large Monitoring Prism Asphalt Mount for Prisms GNSS/Prism Mounting Assembly—40 mm Offset 25 mm prism (box of 25). Mount horizontally or vertically. • Prism constant: -17 mm P/N: 58008030 62 mm prism. Less than 2" with mounting assembly. • Prism constant: -40 mm P/N: 58008042 Mount for attaching prisms on the road with bolts. The 12.5 mm prism is embedded in a wedge- shaped aluminum plate, used for marking the road edge. The plate can be fixed to the road using screws or special adhesive. P/N: 4520802-MON 62 mm prism. 5/8th thread mount on top for GNSS receiver. P/N: 58008040 81

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