Accessories Catalog

Trimble Geospatial Accessories Catalog

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C ATA L O G The standard boot for the Trimble TSC7 controller. It is available as a user-replaceable accessory in case of damage. P/N: 121330-01-1 An alternative boot with 2 USB ports. P/N: 121330-02-1 This AC adapter has all international connectors included. It is for the TSC7 controller and the external battery charger. P/N: 121341-00-1 This is a China-only cord. It is for the TSC7 controller and the external battery charger. P/N: 121341-07-1 Serial I/O Boot USB I/O Boot AC Adapter With International Cord AC Adapter with China Cord Trimble TSC7 controller Data Collectors 106

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