Accessories Catalog

Trimble Geospatial Accessories Catalog

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C ATA L O G Reflective Foil Target Set: 5 Piece Large-Size Adhesive B&W Checker Targets Contains 5 pieces of 60*60mm reflective foil target stickers with wider sighting marks. Only suitable for manual aiming. • Prism constant: 0 mm P/N: 58028007 Pack of 10 adhesive black & white checker targets. Only suitable for manual aiming. P/N: 28740034 Targets Prisms, Targets and Spheres Target ID Module Pair either the VX & S-series 360 prism or the R10 360 prism with the Target ID module to ensure you find and measure the correct target using Trimble Active Tracking technology. Includes mini rod. P/N: 58009009 Laser Adjustment Plate—S-Series Target for checking and adjusting the alignment of the laser pointer on an S-series instrument. P/N: 57013007 28

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