Accessories Catalog

Trimble Geospatial Accessories Catalog

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C ATA L O G Markings offset by Trimble Standard target height (135 mm). Carbon fiber and aluminium telescopic range pole (2.6 meter). P/N: 51003007 Markings read to the top of the pole. Carbon fiber and aluminium telescopic range pole (2.5 meter). P/N: 43169-30 2.6 m Telescopic Range Pole 2.5 m Telescopic Range Pole Range Poles Range Poles, Tripods, Tribrachs and Leveling Staffs 2 m Carbon Fiber Range Pole Fixed height, two part, carbon fiber range pole (2 meter). P/N: 43169-10 A lower cost rod with a flat mounting for the Trimble Catalyst DA1 or DA2 push-fit mount. P/N: 109219 2 m Aluminium Pole with flat-top for Catalyst push-fit system 5

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