
State of the Global Geospatial Industry 2024

Issue link: https://geospatial.trimble.com/en/resources/i/1523050

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4 Artificial Intelligence (AI) More advanced hardware has given businesses the ability to acquire and store huge geospatial data sets, and now AI is helping them extract maximum value. AI dramatically accelerates activities such as point cloud classification and feature extraction to turn data into actionable information at record speeds. And it's a great help in automating repetitive steps and processes, empowering survey and mapping professionals to focus more on business-critical activities such as interpreting, analyzing and certifying the quality of deliverables. Custom 3D deep learning models can be trained to extract features such as curbs, trash cans, fire hydrants, traffic lights, lamps on poles and sign plates, and are applied beyond generic classification. The rise of AI and machine learning (ML) is revolutionizing the market by creating more valuable and precise insights from location-based data. AI-powered image-recognition techniques can better interpret satellite images to identify features, such as roads and wetlands – and changes in them over time. * Fortune Business Insights Geospatial Analytics Market Report 10

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