
5 Keys To Streamline Rail Monitoring

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With this technology, I believe we can spend more time focusing on the data analysis thanks to the automated charts and faster setups, and we also spend less time in the field gathering data. That's a big advantage in providing quality services to our customers. It also allows us to take on more monitoring projects that perhaps we wouldn't have had time to do in the past." Florian von Matt, Wild Ingenieure AG Monitoring prism installed on a rail sleeper While often used for the as-built survey for automated monitoring projects, a GEDO system and track gauge survey app are adaptable for semi-automated (campaign or manual) rail monitoring tasks as well. Rail coordinates are directly measured and used for rail monitoring calculations, which makes these tools versatile and a good investment. Survey firms like Wild Ingenieure AG have always focused on rail surveying, but today the demand has changed—and they have to be faster and more versatile. "What has changed is the growing need for ever more accurate and timely monitoring services," said Florian von Matt, the Swiss firm's rail monitoring expert. "With the ever-evolving regulations, emerging technologies and great need for infrastructure improvements, our surveying and monitoring services are greatly in demand. Construction is everywhere and not just railroads, but also roads, bridges and buildings. In each of these conditions, there are concerns about movement." With tools like T4D Rail, surveyors can spend less time in the field setting up and collecting data, enabling them to expand the type and quantity of monitoring projects they can take on. Another tool that helps streamline and automate monitoring measurements for campaign-based rail monitoring workflows is the Trimble Access Monitoring field software. With one click, it is possible to export measurement data into T4D, which allows users to perform rail parameter calculations (cant, twist, versines and displacements) in the software. 5 ways to keep rail monitoring projects on track 7

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