
5 Keys To Streamline Rail Monitoring

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"Before T4D Rail, all values had to be defined with calculation sensors. In this project, around 100 profiles were monitored," von Matt said. Without T4D Rail, the setup would have taken Wild Ingenieure around two to three days. "In this case, we did that entire setup in one morning. Data collection was five night shifts of four hours. Setup was one day for everything, including plans and protocols. It's like using a smartphone; it's just really easy and very, very fast," von Matt concluded. Targeted solutions like T4D Rail simplify the management of diverse project needs and robust calculations. This includes personalized settings for rail geometry parameters, like height reference, diverse twist calculation methods, the ability to export detailed deliverables, the ability to replace a destroyed prism (sensor in T4D) and more. With this software solution, you can adapt to a variety of different project requirements using a single platform, resulting in cost and resource savings. To monitor rail tracks near a construction site for several weeks, the team at Wild Ingenieure set up five total stations near the existing rail to monitor movement, using the Trimble Access Track Gauge Survey app to collect and T4D Rail to manage and analyze the data. T4D Rail module 5 ways to keep rail monitoring projects on track 12

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