

Issue link: https://geospatial.trimble.com/en/resources/i/1523829

Contents of this Issue


Page 11 of 15

Real World Improvements Continuously operating base and rover receivers in regions with high levels of ionosphere disturbance have been running with IonoGuard enabled. Comparison to firmware without IonoGuard can be made. During solar storm events the improvement in positional accuracy is particularly evident. Below are plots from Brazil, Peru, and Northern Sweden during a solar storm that occurred on August 5th 2023. The blue line is the horizontal positioning error in meters for firmware running without IonoGuard enabled. The red line represents the IonoGuard performance. Brazil data Peru data Horizontal position error with IonoGuard enabled IonoGuard disabled Horizontal position error with IonoGuard enabled IonoGuard disabled 12 Trimble IonoGuard ™ —Protecting RTK GNSS from Ionospheric disturbances

Articles in this issue

view archives of Whitepapers - Trimble-IonoGuard-RTK-GNSS-TechPub