

Issue link: https://geospatial.trimble.com/en/resources/i/1523829

Contents of this Issue


Page 8 of 15

GNSS Planning Online Tool During peaks of solar activity, where certain portions of the ionosphere are excited, higher signal delays will occur. While ionospheric activity may typically occur at key times throughout the day, such as midday or dusk, that is not always the case. Trimble has setup a global ionospheric measurement network, which via the GNSS Planning Online (gnssplanning.com) tool allows users to plan ahead and avoid working during times where there is higher probability of disturbance. Above is an example of a map of TEC from the planning tool. An ionospheric index value for a given location and time is also provided. This is a value on a scale of zero to 10 indicating ionospheric level derived from measured TEC and scintillation. 9

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