TBC Power Hour: Creating a Corridor/Surface from a DOT Plan Set
Date: Wednesday, April 26
Time: 8:00 – 9:00 AM MDT
Presenters: Ken Bork
Join this TBC Power Hour to learn how to build a corridor from a PDF plan set in Trimble Business Center. We will go through how to import and label alignments, create subgrade corridors using tables, georeference PDF plan sheets and more.
Will go through the following steps of building a Corridor from a PDF plan set:
- Import and Label alignment(s)
- Digitize existing PDF cross-sections
- Create a subgrade corridor using tables to match the cross sections in the plan set
- Georeferencing PDF Plan Sheet
- Create a base course corridor to match the typical cross section that will tie to the subgrade surface
- Create an asphalt corridor that will tie to the base course corridor
- Run corridor earthwork report
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