
White Paper: Trimble SX12 Tracking and Target Separation

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White Paper - SX12 Tracking and Target Separation 3 https://geospatial.trimble.com 3 The light reflected from the target is focused by the SX12 front lens to a dedicated tracker camera sensor (called the tracker detector). The light from the target will create an image on the tracker detector. Figure 2. A schematic view of the SX12 tracker locking onto a target. The tracker, EDM and telecamera are all coaxial, as shown in the telescope cross-section image below. An advantage of there being no eyepiece on the SX12 instrument is the ability to have the tracker detector at the back center of the telescope; this gives the most stable optical path for the tracker, and therefore the best performance. Figure 3. A cross section of the telescope optics of the SX12. Target Light from Tracker transmitter Light reflected by target Tracker detector Instrument front lens Image of target EDM Transmitter & Receiver Tracker Transmitter Tracker Detector Telecamera

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