
White Paper: Trimble SX12 Tracking and Target Separation

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White Paper - SX12 Tracking and Target Separation 8 https://geospatial.trimble.com 8 Figure 10b. The light returning from a small prism does not fill the entire front lens of the instrument and gives a smaller image on the detector. To summarize, we can conclude that: - The tracker, EDM and telecamera are all coaxial. - Minimum prism separation depends on prism size and range. The images of two targets need to be separate on the detector for the tracker to interpret them as two targets. - The SX12 has good target separation capabilities: about 40 mm center-to-center at close distances, and 85 mm at 100 m. - At short range, the minimum separation will mainly be limited by the defocus, though a smaller prism will allow for a smaller minimum prism separation. - At long range, the minimum prism separation will be limited by the resolution of the tracker system and will approach a constant angle. - Prisms that are 25 mm in diameter or larger have the same center-to-center minimum prism separation. Minimum Prism Separation - Practical Measurements Prism size 25 mm diameter or larger Prism size 12.5 mm diameter Distance to Target [m] Minimum Separation [mm] Minimum Separation [deg] Minimum Separation [mm] Minimum Separation [deg] 5 39 0.447 22 0.244 10 43 0.244 26 0.146 15 47 0.179 30 0.114 20 50 0.142 33 0.095 30 55 0.105 39 0.074 50 64 0.073 49 0.056 100 85 0.049 72 0.041 250 124 0.028 118 0.027 Figure 10. The table above shows the minimum separation where the instrument can still distinguish two prisms as separate targets. Both distance and angle refers to the center-to-center distance or angle between the prisms.

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