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A Wake-Up Call

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for all stakeholders. "erefore, democrati- zation of technology is tremendously impor- tant for governments, corporations and all other decision-makers who have a certain social responsibility, so that we are all able to act as timely as possible based on the most current and," feels Mahew Zenus, Global Vice-President, HANA & Analytics, Solu- tion Strategy at SAP. Why is 'where' so important e COVID-19 outbreak has disrupted our entire world. From healthcare services to school education, business processes to everyday movement, each and every activity performed by human beings have undergone a drastic change. As we collectively adjust to the new normal, the knowledge of location and all the information related to it (what, how and when) will hold the key to our survival and well-being. Today, governments around the world are using contact tracing through mobile applications to keep the people safe, and are relying on location tech to streamline Today, governments around the world are using contact tracing through mobile applications to keep the people safe, and are relying on location tech to streamline work operations The opportunity to use technology gives us the tools to re- imagine and redefine jobs and industries that can help us thrive mentally, physically and economically as communities. That access is vital Rob Painter Trimble President and CEO work operations, strengthen supply chains and restart industries. For example, India's National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has developed an online dash- board to capture information regarding millions of migrant workers who were stranded due to the nationwide lockdown to provide them relief and facilitate their safe movement across states. "Being able to visualize information about confirmed cases, fatalities, testing facilities, or where to buy supplies is a very powerful and effective way to communi- cate critical information. We have seen first-hand how governments are deploying feature-rich, yet accessible technologies to develop dynamic maps and dashboards that help their citizens understand the threat of COVID-19 at local, regional and national levels," says Mladen Stojic, President, Hexagon Geospatial. How can geospatial make a difference With data holding unprecedented signif- icance in today's day and age, geospatial technologies provide not only the ability to manage and integrate data, but also the analytical tools that support quick deci- sion-making, thereby saving both time and money. Using data in new ways helps in reviving sluggish economies and making governments and organizations efficient and resilient in the face of a crisis. "Geospatial information provides context to information to determine the what, where, when and why of something. The influence and impact that knowl- edge can bring is powerful, particularly during a crisis such as COVID-19," adds Painter. Since the current pandemic began, developers, researchers, geoscientists and health organizations have been developing | May-June 2020 16 COVER STORY

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