Press Coverage

A Wake-Up Call

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content is compiled and is represented as a series of information overlays covering specific areas across the planet. In today 's world of cloud computing, all of these layers have their own individual URLs, enabling these layers to be integrated and synthesized together," says Esri Founder and President Jack Dangermond. Democratization of technology has the power to change people's lives. e access to technology, from the simple to the sophisticated provides the innovative envi- ronment to push technology further and to participate in its advancement meaning- fully. "e opportunity to use technology gives us the tools to re-imagine and redefine jobs and industries that can help us thrive mentally, physically and economically as communities. at access is vital," argues Trimble President and CEO Rob Painter. The real power of technology lies in the valuable information that can be derived from it. In any given situation, especially One of the most impactful traits of GIS information is the user community's strong interest in sharing — we all need access to each other's data Jack Dangermond Esri Founder and President in case of a health emergency, connectivity and access to accurate information can make a world of difference. For instance, if we hadn't been able to trace the origin of the COVID-19 back to Wuhan, or track its movement and spread, the number of infected cases and fatalities, apart from the damage caused to the global economy would have been a lot higher. "The ability to access information from anywhere at any time has never been more important. For example, our companies, and even our governments, are now operating from thou- sands of locations where they hadn't been before — employees' homes. This means software and services that enable collab- oration have become critical in ways we didn't expect, but now rely upon," explains Hexagon CEO Ola Rollén. We are living in a fast-changing world, which poses new challenges to our survival every now and then. In such a scenario, tech- nology is the best tool for crisis management

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