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A Wake-Up Call

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With the world rushing to build maps, dashboards and apps to combat the COVID-19, the significance of technology, especially geospatial data and tools has once again come to the fore density of 49.78%, which means that for every person who is connected, there exists one who lacks access to the Internet. In most parts of the world, this divide is determined by factors such as location, income, gender, age, etc. According to the World Health Organ- ization, the need to spread information about how to combat COVID-19 is most urgent in poorer countries, where migrants and the destitute are most vulnerable to the virus. Further, children's education has abruptly come to a halt, and work from home is an option for very few people. In the absence of technology access, these problems render governance ineffective, often leading to continued suffering for citizens. "This digital divide, which is not just about having the Internet, but about having data to make decisions, has to be bridged," emphasizes Milorad Kovacevic, Access to connectivity is not a luxury, but a critical service to society. Our networks must remain resilient and responsive to citizens' immediate needs Mike Calabrese Vice President, Global Enterprise and Webscale, Nokia Chief of Statistics, United Nations Development Programme. How tech democratization can help With the world rushing to build maps, dashboards and apps to combat COVID-19, the significance of technology, especially geospatial data and tools has once again come to the fore. Almost every major organization — ranging from businesses, academic institutions to news broadcasters — were seen using spatial data for planning, acting and information sharing. It did not take long for govern- ments, healthcare service providers and other responders from all over the world to realize that they all needed such technology tools to mitigate the coronavirus crisis. "GIS is unique because users everywhere can create their own individual sets of information as map layers. Everyone's | May-June 2020 14 COVER STORY

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