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A Wake-Up Call

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Page 45 of 51 | May-June 2020 46 CASE STUDY ACCURACY MATTERS The integration of L&T's map-based mobile app LMNoP with Trimble Catalyst GNSS led to enhancement in positional accuracy and data quality, apart from saving data acquisition time. Trimble Catalyst ACCURACY MATTERS e primary objective of the LMNoP application is to provide location information of a project site's assets, supporting site engineers in field operations. e app also enables site engineers to view the pro- ject's design drawings, toposheets, aerial photographs and other GIS layers superimposed on the project base map. e solution has been constantly growing with customized versions and builds generated, based on specific needs of projects. Utility alignment tracking, material or resource planning and re-route analysis are some of the growing use cases of LMNoP solution. e data captured using the app across the project site serves as the base, which is further used as input data for engineering design, quantity estimation, progress monitoring, obstruction and hurdles management. e technical architecture of the LMNoP app includes both mobile and web application — while mobile application is used for field related activities, web application is used for monitoring and other decision-making process. Seamless connec- tion between the web and mobile application ensures integration of both office and site activities. The big challenge Since mobile GPS receivers catch radio waves from connected satellites and use triangulation methods to derive where a person/object is, these receivers are not premium builds like dedicated GNSS receivers and sometimes do not provide accurate data. e initial version of LMNoP used relatively less accurate inbuilt mobile device GPS to derive location information, which had a deviation in positional accuracy of up to 30 metres. To enhance positional accuracy, data quality and save data acquisition time, LMNoP was integrated with Trimble Catalyst. e objective behind the integration was clear: delivering professional grade positioning. Trimble Catalyst allows GNSS signals and satellite corrections W ith the ubiquitous use of smart- phones, project sites leverage the power of mobile apps to reduce costs and improve efficiency. LM- NoP, which stands for Locate, Measure and Navigate on Phone, a map-based mobile application by Larsen & Toubro, acts as a base platform upon which a se- ries of construction solutions are built and integrat- ed. The mobile application was developed to run on every smart gadget, both on Android and iOS plat- forms, and is widely used across business verticals in different use cases in correspondence with business requirement. The LMNoP solution, integrated with Trimble Catalyst, was branded as LMNoP+. Trimble Catalyst is a revolutionary GNSS concept, bringing Trimble quality and precise positioning to the location-enabled workforce. Using the ser vice, any location-en- abled Android field app can utilize the power of Trimble positioning tech- nology and benefit from the productivity improve- ments that come from working with precise location.

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