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A Wake-Up Call

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to be passed into android smartphones and tablets. e light weight, plug-and-play antenna simply connects with mobile using USB connection. Additionally, the easy push fit mount enables the users to capture data in corner and challenging points in an accurate manner. With the availability of open SDK , LMNoP application was integrated with Trimble involving several customizations. On ground experience Under the Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) scheme in the Indian state of West Bengal, asset infor- mation was captured using LMNoP+ for project sites. The objective of the scheme was to supply electricity to the rural house- holds which would cover works relating to feeder separation, strengthening of sub-transmission and distribution systems, including metering of distribution trans- formers/feeders/consumers by addressing the areas of critical gap. The scope included engineering design and construc- tion of new poles and replace the outdated poles with new ones, thereby electrif ying the rural areas. e critical part in rural electrification was to assess the existing conditions of assets and to determine the requirement of new assets. Unlike in other construction, where engineering design usually happens at office location and construction/erection happens at site location, this utility power project demanded engineering design of the poles at the site locations. By examining the condition of the geography, material used to erect the poles were designed both quali- tatively and quantitatively at site location itself. LMNoP+ digitalized the entire field operations with higher accuracy, leading to more than 70% time saving. Performance enhancer e overall performance of LMNoP+ is enhanced by the integration with Trimble Catalyst, which gives centimetre level positional accuracy. is enables to precisely locate and map engineering information of the utility assets that has to be installed in the field. e distance between each collected point is automatically measured and updated in the web portal accurately. Trimble Catalyst helps in capturing the utility asset's exact locations, the GIS capa- bility creates points and feature aributes in the geodatabase in real time. Surveyors on site are guided by step-wise procedure with the help of predefined forms in the mobile app. e details entered in the mobile app are submied and synchronized to the web portal seamlessly. For beer visualization, the captured data is overlaid on a base map with all GIS mapping functionalities. is enables the generation of Bill of Quantities (BoQ) accurately for the quantity of mate- rials irrespective of any existing/proposed asset. Precise BoQ helps in the reduction of material wastage and saves cost. Courtesy: Trimble | May-June 2020 47 Contours on aerial image LMNoP+ Surface elevation in offline mode Trimble Catalyst helps in capturing the utility asset's exact locations, and the GIS capability creates points and feature aributes in the geodatabase in real time

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