Press Coverage

Establishing Land Boundaries in the Middle East

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I N D U S T R Y in WingtraHub and Wingtra's extensive knowledge base, featuring quick image and text modules with Figure 3: Orthomosaic of St. Kitts from WingtraOne Data. support insight on any procedure or troubleshooting that can come up in the field. All of this lined up with the company's goal to keep overhead lean and knowledge transfer robust among team members. Mapping St. Kitts: Method Comparison Manned aircraft survey Classical fixed-wing survey WingtraOne survey 220,000 USD for data only; i.e., no team knowledge transfer. Plus, cloud coverage would render data unusable. Limited functionality due to massive take-off and landing area needed to belly-land. 70,000 USD includes knowledge transfer to entire team for future projects. G I S R E S O U R C E S | M A R C H 2 0 2 1 1 3

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